Business Logic URL HTTP Method Query Parameters Request body data format Response body data format
Return a list of ALL movies to the user /movies GET None None A JSON object holding data about all the movies
"title: "movie title",
"description": "movie description",
"genre": {
"name": "movie genre",
"description": "genre description"
"director": {
"name": "director name",
"bio": "director bio",
"birthYear": "director birth year"
"deathYear": "director death year" (if applicable)
"imageUrl": "Image link for movie art",
"featured": "true or false"
Return data (description, genre, director, image URL, whether it’s featured or not) about a single movie by title to the user /movies/:title GET :title None A JSON object holding data about a single movie, containing a title, description, genre, director, and imageURL.
"title: "movie title",
"description": "movie description",
"genre": {
"name": "movie genre",
"description": "genre description"
"director": {
"name": "director name",
"bio": "director bio",
"birthYear": "director birth year"
"deathYear": "director death year" (if applicable)
"imageUrl": "Image link for movie art",
"featured": "true or false"
Return data about a genre (description) by name/title (e.g., “Thriller”) /movies/genre/:genreName GET :genreName None A JSON object holding data about all movies in the database that share the specified genre.
"title: "movie title",
"description": "movie description",
"genre": {
"name": "movie genre",
"description": "genre description"
"director": {
"name": "director name",
"bio": "director bio",
"birthYear": "director birth year"
"deathYear": "director death year" (if applicable)
"imageUrl": "Image link for movie art",
"featured": "true or false"
{ Next movie with the specified genre},
{ Next movie with the specified genre},
Return data about a director (name, bio, birth year, death year) by name /movies/director/:directorName GET :directorName none A JSON object holding data about all movies directed by the specified director.
"title: "movie title",
"description": "movie description",
"genre": {
"name": "movie genre",
"description": "genre description"
"director": {
"name": "director name",
"bio": "director bio",
"birthYear": "director birth year"
"deathYear": "director death year" (if applicable)
"imageUrl": "Image link for movie art",
"featured": "true or false"
{ Next movie with the specified director},
{ Next movie with the specified director},
Allow new users to register /users POST None A JSON object holding data about a single user to add.
"username": "example username", REQUIRED
"password": "exampe password", REQUIRED
"email": "", REQUIRED
"birthDate": "example format: 2023-06-25"
A JSON object holding data about the single user that was added, including a genrerated id.
"_id": "1",
"username": "example username",
"password": "example password",
"email": "",
"birthDate": "specified date"
"favoriteMovies": []
Allow users to update their user info (username, password, email, date of birth) /users/:username PUT :Name A JSON object holding the needed data field about a single user to update.
"username": "updated username",
"password": "updated password",
"email": "",
"birthDate": "new date"

A JSON object holding all data about the single user that was updated
"_id": "1",
"username": "updated username",
"password": "updated password",
"email": "",
"birthDate": "new date"
"favoriteMovies": []
Allow users to add a movie to their list of favorites /users/:username/movies/:MovieID POST :Name,
None A JSON object holding all data about the single user that added to their favorite movies.
"_id": "1",
"username": "example username",
"password": "example password",
"email": "",
"birthDate": "specified date"
"favoriteMovies": ["added MovieID"]
Allow users to remove a movie from their list of favorites /users/:username/movies/:MovieID DELETE :Name,
None A JSON object holding all data about the single user that removed a movie from their favorite movies.
"_id": "1",
"username": "example username",
"password": "example password",
"email": "",
"birthDate": "specified date"
"favoriteMovies": []
Allow existing users to deregister /users/:username DELETE :Name None A text message indicating the user has been removed from the database
"(the username) has been successfully removed from the database."